Mobility Aids Grant Scheme

What is the Mobility Aids Grant Scheme?

The Mobility Aids Grant Scheme helps you pay for basic work to address mobility issues you are having at home.

The maximum grant you can get is €6,000, which may cover 100% of the cost of the works. However, you may not get the maximum grant. This is because the grant is paid by your local authority, and is dependent on what funding they have available. They will decide whether they can pay you the full grant, or a percentage of the grant. The Mobility Aids Grant Scheme is available to people with a household income of less than €30,000 a year.

Further Information on Grants can be found HERE

Types of work allowable

The types of works allowable under the scheme can be varied and may include:

  • a ramp or other ways to access your home
  • grab rails
  • bathroom facilities like an accessible shower or a downstairs toilet
  • a stair lift or home lift
  • space for wheelchair access
  • an extension (typically for a bedroom or bathroom to accommodate a person with a disability)

Step 1: Check that you qualify for this scheme

Normally you would qualify for this scheme if you live in:

  • A home that you own.
  • A house that you are buying from your local council under the Tenant Purchase Scheme.
  • A private rented house, flat or apartment.
  • A home that is provided to you under a voluntary housing Capital Assistance and Rental Subsidy scheme.
  • A home in a communal residence.

Have the grant application approved before the work starts on the home:

  • Have their tax affairs in order.
  • Have tax clearance from Revenue if the grant is for more than €10,000.
  • Show that the Local Property Tax for the home is in order.

This grant is for older people and/or people with a disability who find it hard to move around their home due to mobility issues.

Step 2: Complete the application form

Each Local Authority handles applications in a slightly different manner. This means there are different application forms for each Local Authority. A list of Local Authorities is available in link below:

You can obtain a copy of the application form by either downloading it from your Local Authorities website or by requesting it over the phone.

Contact us if you have any questions or would like us to send you out a form by post – Motion Lifts Office No. 015562813.

Step 3: Return the application form to your local authority.

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